
5 Crystals To Unleash Your Inner Power This Aquarius Season


Aquarius season typically starts on January 20th and wraps up around February 18th. Aquarius season may motivate you to look for alternative approaches to how things are done.

You might be tempted to go beyond usual, easy, or comfortable. Aquarius season is the perfect time to start disregarding the opinions and judgments of people nearby, like your colleagues or IG followers.

Aquarian energy is often associated with warmth, kindness, open-mindedness, and humanitarianism, while some moments may be more chaotic, unpredictable, and distant.

This post is ideal for anyone who wants to make a good impression during the season of Aquarius. Get the five best crystals to unleash your inner power this season below.

Amethyst: To Give You Some Inner Peace

This beautiful gemstone is not only an Aquarius' birthstone but it's also known to bring strength and inner peace. Wearing this close to your heart will make you feel more comfortable looking toward the future.

As a result of its ruling planet Uranus, Aquarius season may bring with it nervous energies. During this time, these influences may cause you to be overly hasty or inflexible, especially when making decisions about the future. 

Amethyst is a high-frequency crystal that boosts memory formation. As a Crystal of Peace and Transformation, it can also assist with inner reflection, making it helpful for meditation. By tuning into the frequency of amethyst, you'll be able to examine your reactions and behaviors to become more open and relaxed.

Apatite: To Embrace Your Compassion

Apatite is best known for inspiring action! During the Aquarius season, it's common to fixate on higher-level visions and broad plans. If Aquarian energies push you to dream more of the ideal future than give you the energy to take action to achieve it, wearing Apatite can bring you back to the present and remind you of the most productive steps to take next. Apatite can give you an extra boost of motivation to follow through with your creative concepts and original ideas.

The ocean-blue stone also encourages your charitable side. The Apatite can help you maintain a positive outlook when contemplating a change or viewing the situation from another angle, for example. The stone is used for a noble cause.

Hematite: To Promote Positive Energy Flow

Hematite is an excellent crystal for helping to keep air and water balanced and stabilized during the Aquarius season. Hematite can help reduce the damaging effects of stress, anxiety, and worry by restoring your mind, body and spirit to a state of calmness, clarity, and focus. Hematite is believed to be a powerful stone for purifying your body, helping you leave the past behind and enter the future. Out with the old, in with the new!

Hematite helps energize the mind and encourages balance with nature. It also helps maintain a positive attitude during difficult times and keeps you attentive and motivated to reach your goals.

Moonstone: To Spark New Beginnings

With its links to the lunar cycle and feminine energy, moonstone can teach you to accept the ebb and flow of life's rhythms.

During the Aquarius season, be mindful of Uranus's tendency to shape the world in its rigid image, which can sometimes lead to conflict. Moonstone helps to stabilize emotions during this time, thus demonstrating how we must accept the same phases that the moon goes through, just like in life.

Gaining new confidence, you will be able to act naturally. You will be more compassionate as your emotions become stabilized.

Clear Quartz: For Everything Else

Nicknamed the Master Healer, this strong crystal balances energy by regulating the Chakras. This helps to ease any worries about change while increasing self-confidence.

By using this stone during the Aquarius season, you'll discover more ways to help others and reach your full humanitarian potential.Clear quartz is also a powerful stone for abundance, amplifying your desire to benefit humanity.

This will offer you new possibilities and propel you to a better future. It also boosts energy levels, delivering mental clarity and focus.

Taking advantage of these five stones during this season of the water bearer will help you grow into a more well-rounded person, ready to take on new challenges and help others in need. You go, starshine!

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