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Meet the Artist


Hi! My name is Cali and I am the designer and artist behind Copper Bug Jewelry.

I started my business three years ago as a way to stay creative while working my full time job. What's so special about my jewelry is that each piece is one of a kind and handmade with love! My work combines two passions in my life: creative design and rocks. 😂

I also have a passion for helping people feel confident and beautiful wearing one of a kind jewelry pieces made from copper and crystals, but I also want them to understand what they are wearing! I love working with customers to teach them about the different materials and processes and love that go into each piece.

Each piece is different than the next- no two pieces look alike, which means every time you wear it, you'll feel like you're wearing something unique. This also makes them really fun gifts for friends and family members because they always get such a great reaction!

To me, the most important thing is to keep my head up. Even if things aren't perfect now they will be soon enough. You deserve the world- so take a deep breath and claim it!

This page is an ode to my rebellions. Let it be a case study to you that you do not need to listen to that little voice in your head that is telling you that you cannot do something. I have news for that little voice: you can. I spend my time making things for others because I want them to feel as confident as they deserve. I want you to know that you can let your confidence shine.

Copper Bug Jewelry is a marriage of art, geology, kitchen chemistry, and the name of my sweet pet. I love crystals, and I love making art with pieces from the earth, and I feel blessed that I get to share this love with you.

The copper-plated jewelry I make fascinates me because I never have absolute control over a piece's creation. Each piece is made with electricity and alchemy and a little bit of magic.

Each one of a kind piece shows off its organic wild side. I want to spend every day sharing that with you, and I want you to be able to share that part of yourself with the world, too. I want to share that every day with you that is reading this message right now.

Thank you for reading this little love letter to me and you. To continue onto the site, you can choose to go back to explore the Home Page, go to All Available Pieces, or you can take a peek at all of my Available Collections to sort through common colors and themes throughout my work.

If you have any questions about Copper Bug Jewelry, you can contact me directly by emailing copperbugjewelry@gmail.com, or you can reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram.